It’s getting close to time running out here in Kenya. We’ve been here over 9 weeks and have 3 weeks left. Sometimes things go slow and it seems nothing is happening. This is where we were at about 2 weeks ago. We prayed that God would make our last month here the best and that is what He is doing.
Kingdom Hikers had a great talent show. Many participated and were encouraged and excited to continue the path they have been on.
Pastors meetings have grown with now over 12 pastors from many different churches in Nakuru. They come to learn and share their faith. When Godly men get together things change and that is what is happening.
The men in the church are becoming more and more committed. They had a cookout this Sunday. They want to be together more. Just going to church on Sunday isn’t enough anymore.
The women had our first conference. It was truly glorious. Let me share with you the some details of that conference……
We started talking about this conference and set a date of August 13th. At that meeting the ladies just wanted me and Yahshanna to just do the conference. They wanted to invite outside speakers. I told them this should be their conference and that they had so much to give. I encouraged them to seek God and make this conference come from their own hearts. After a lot of discussion, in which I would not back downJ they finally agreed to teach. We chose subjects for each of the ladies to talk about. It was a good meeting.
Then we had to post pone the date because of Mary’s husband’s death. A few weeks later we met again in George’s van, while it was raining goats and cows outside, because we had no where else to meet. We set a new date and finalized our plans. At last the day arrived.
Tara and Yahshanna went ahead at 8:30am to help with the decorations. Yahshanna made flowers out of pink and white napkins since we couldn’t find any crepe paper. I decided to wait for Nellie. It was already 9:30 and she hadn’t even got dressed yet so I was feeling a little anxious. Finally we left the house and took a Matatu (a van used for public transportation) to the church. The man wanted to charge extra because of my white skin but Nellie refused. So we got there at about 10:00 am. Besides the ladies setting up there was only one other guest there. That was Ninette with her baby and two young boys. She won the gift, a nice bible cover, for being the first one there. Later Ziporah stood up to say she was the one that invited Ninette and she was late getting there. She said, “I repent for being late”.
Mary and Nellie and Petranilla started singing and praying as we waited for more women to arrive. By 11:00 am we had enough ladies to get started. Remember the conference started at 9:00 am…. African time.
We chose the theme ‘the Kings Daughters’. We are daughters of the King of Kings and we are His queen waiting for Him to come. We want to be ‘all glorious within’. So we began teaching and encouraging each other to godliness. The women received so much. They are not only hearers of the Word but doers.
Nellie taught about worship from Psalm 95 and John 14:19-24. She said worship is for anytime and anywhere. She told a story about how she used to take her lunch break at school to pray and worship God. She got in trouble once for not showing up for lunch but when she explained to the teacher what she was doing it was ok.
When Mary our priestess taught on forgiveness she told how God moved in her heart to forgive the man that killed her husband in a traffic accident. She said she couldn’t teach until she found that forgiveness. She was so bright and happy. Freedom is found in forgiveness.
Yahshana taught about teaching children. She’s been diligently teaching the children during church service the whole time we’ve been here. She told us all women are teachers. God shows us how by letting us learn from our mistakes, getting input from other sisters, and by changing our hearts. Don’t say, “I am not a teacher”. God will show you how if you ask Him. Matthew 7:7. Then she sang the song, Let the Children Come. It was sweet and very inspiring.
Tara tearfully spoke about how good it is to have friends who will encourage you in God. She shared about her experience in finding true friends in the church and encouraged everyone to keep their hearts open to each other.
Mary (Lloyd’s mother) is the behind the scenes lady in the church. She is there early to decorate and set up before gatherings. Telling the story of Rahab, she said we should all be hospitable, entertaining strangers, as Rahab became one in the line of Christ’s linage. Hospitality is a work that goes without notice and that is how it should be.
Petranilla refered to Psalm 31 and also told the stories of Naomi, Ruth and Rahab. Naomi left her home but was not afraid to turn back when she saw her mistake. Ruth was loyal. Rahab didn’t allow her weakness to keep her from serving God.
I talked about how to resolve conflicts. We need to be humble with each other and not place blame. We should go to each other and not let conflicts build up inside our hearts.
Since the conference the ladies have been practicing what was taught. One testimony was from Seline. She said she learned how to humble herself. A friend owed her money so she went to her house to see if she could get the money back. It ended up in a fight. The woman actually tore her clothes fighting with her. When she went home her husband asked her what happened. She told the story and he said she should go to the police. She said no. She wanted to go back and make it right. She went to see her friend not knowing what reaction she would find. She told her she was sorry for coming at the wrong time. Her friend cried and asked Seline to forgive her. They were reconciled because Seline humbled herself.
In conclusion we read 1 Peter 4:7-11
Now the end of all things is near; therefore, be serious and disciplined for prayer. Above all, maintain an intense love for each others since love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining. Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. If anyone speaks, it should be as one who speaks God's words; if anyone serves, it should be from the strength God provides, so that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ in everything. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen
Now with 2 weeks to go they want to have another conference. Well….. I don’t know if that’s possible but we will get together and have a ladies' gathering to share more testimonies of life’s lessons. With sincere hearts we will work together and worship God until we meet again.