Friday, June 10, 2011

African Adventures

We are preparing to leave for Africa soon! We have nine people going this time and we’re excited to see what God will do! Here’s our travel agenda:
Abba, Amma and Yahshanna are leaving June 15th and returning September 14th (yes, that’s 3 months)
Tabach and Chloe will be leaving with us on June 15th, and returning July 20th.
Doug, Tara, Brandon and Khale will be leaving July 26th and returning September 14th.
We will be having conferences and meetings for Kingdom Hikers, Pastors, Men, Women, and children. 
We will continue the F.I.S.H. program (Financing Indigenous Self Help) and will initiate a new program called L.E.A.R.N. (Letting Educational Adoption Reshape Nakuru) to help send kids to school. Education will help enable people to get jobs and take better care of their families. Hunger and lack of health-care are a major problem in Nakuru. Many parents do not have an education themselves and want their children to be able to get better jobs. Please consider sponsoring a child and/or contributing to the F.I.S.H. program. 


L.E.A.R.N.  is a program we are developing to help support school age children  in Nakuru, Kenya. Many times families go hungry in order to send at least one child in the family to school. For only $100 twice a year you can adopt a child’s education by paying their school fees, uniform and book costs.  
You will receive a picture of your adopted child and you will be able  to actively support and encourage your child by writing letters and following their progress in school. 

If you are interested or would like more information please e-mail me at: 

Your thoughts and prayers for us are invaluable and they help us do the work we are called to do. You can follow our blogs to keep up to date. We will truly miss you!

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